Friday, July 30, 2010

Back to School...

Well... the time has almost arrived.  It's a love/hate time of year.  On the one hand, it was really really nice to be back in my classroom and be surrounded by my goofy coworkers!  I was even fortunate enough to be able to use their children as slave labor!  UNFORTUNATELY, at the end of each year, I'm a disaster, which I then have to pay for at the beginning of each year.  Whoops!  Oh well.

I've continued working on my wall maps.  It's too sad that my students don't travel.  They're happy if they get a chance to leave the city!  So, in response to this, I created two big maps on my bulletin boards.  One is a map of the United States and the other is a map of the world.  Last year, I added photos of places I'd been so students would get the chance to see what other places look like.  This year I had the idea of asking friends/family to help build the map more... send photos that I could add to expand my students view of the world.  As it is, most of my students are from a low S.E.S., have either broken or extremely screwed up home lives, and many are involved in gangs and/or drugs.  Their view of life is low.  It is not easy and many don't see a way out.  The best I can do, besides attempt to help them realize their vast amounts of potential, is to show them the parts of the world they may not get to see... good parts... beautiful parts.  I want my students to dream... maybe they'll dream of visiting other areas, and their dreams may help them see that it is possible for them.

I haven't gotten much more done on my room, but I have done my most favorite part of going back to school.  BACK-TO-SCHOOL SUPPLY SHOPPING!!  I don't know what it is about new pens, new notebooks, post-its, etc, but I LOVE them!!  They just brighten my day and get excited!!!  They're so perfect, just waiting to be used.  Notebooks ready to be full of information.  Colorful post-its just waiting to be put all over my desk or used as a bathroom pass.  Aaaaa... I love new supplies.  As a treat, I even bought myself some new colorful gel pens.  It really makes planning and grading a bit more fun. :)

The other upside to going back to school?  My crazy, wonderful coworkers!  It was so great to see them, chat with them, and laugh with them again!!

The big downside?  Our new pay plan starts this year.  We are going to be paid based on how well our students do on standardized tests.  I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not a fan of this!  It's actually stressful to think about it!  I have no doubt that I and my fellow colleagues are great teachers, BUT how are my students suppose to demonstrate their knowledge if they write as well as fifth graders?  It makes me so mad that no one has come up with a better idea!  And my district is all about doing things ONLY one way... no alternative means of testing.  The only exception is if students had modifications on the state test, but that doesn't help if students can't write.  They still have to do their own writing.  My current plan for surviving this stress?  Taking "me" time.  I already told my husband that at least once a month I'm going to do something stress-free, like a massage or a monthly pedicure.  And my weekends will have to be full of school-free things.  I've also decided I HAVE to try and find a way not to bring work home with me.  It's a must!

Well... to end on a happy thought... I soon have the chance to see all the changes made in my students over the summer... hopefully they're all good changes! :)

P. S. All photos are complimentary of either myself or my wonderful friends/family sharing their photos! :)


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