Friday, December 3, 2010

Teaching American History Grant

If there are two things that go together like oil and water, it's education and politics.  As a teacher, all I see coming from politics is... BAD.  Currently, politics are causing me to have district test scores determine my pay... AND district tests are not beneficial to students whatsoever.  They don't determine which classes students should be put in.  They don't determine student's ability or any accommodations students may need.
BUT, the government has done one thing great for education: the Teaching American History Grant.  Amazing!  This grant was created to ensure history educators had extra history/pedagogy classes.  This way teachers were constantly on top of current pedagogy and could be constant lifelong learners WITHOUT spending an arm and a leg on tuitions.
Here is how I have been blessed with the Teaching American History grant:
I will have completed my last 8 masters credits with TAH grant classes
Last spring, I had the opportunity to present at the National Council for History Educators conference... and I have the same opportunity this year as well!!
I have gain massive amounts of state/local history and improved using local archives to teach
I've been taught how to use DBQs in all levels of classrooms
Finally, I have recently been accepted to take a 10 day trip to Boston and a week of class at George Mason University in June and July!  This last course will help me complete my Masters and have 4 extra credits.  I am so excited!
And I am so happy that SOMETIMES our government gets things right with education.  For now, i'll stay positive and keep that in mind every time my school frustrates me.


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