Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Crunch time...

The most stressful (and honestly, the MOST annoying) part of the year is right before the end of the year (or end of the trimesters).  Students are extremely stressed about whether or not they're going to pass their classes, which is somewhat understandable... except that they are the BIGGEST procrastinators!!!  They have chance after chance to do make up work, and they don't.  So... the last two weeks before the year is over, what do they do?  Spend a ridiculous amount of time in my classroom trying to get as much make up work as possible. 

Now... I'll be truthful... I REALLY want my students to pass... even though for a few it's simply selfish reasons (so I don't have them next year).  But I really HATE the extra grading I all of a sudden have to do.  Grading is bad enough when it's just the regular amount, but crunch time grading is 3 - 4 times worse.  On top of the grading, I have students asking my hourly whether their grades have improved based on the missing work turned it.  HELLO!!  I HAVEN'T GRADED IT YET!  I HAVEN'T EVEN GONE TO THE BATHROOM TODAY!!  Holy smokes!  Obviously I really don't say that to them, but that's pretty much what is screaming through my head.  The graduating seniors are the worse.  You'd think that after I give them the "You need this class to graduate" speech the first day of the class, they'd understand that they should probably not fail.  Two years so far, and it's the same both times... I better buckle in and prepare.  I'm guessing this means it will be the same every year.

One thing that does make it all worth it is seeing those students graduate... and that relief will arrive in T minus 10 days.

And summer begins in T minus 12... Woot woot!!!!


Christie said...

Miss you and wish I was there in 12 days to help you celebrate. It is teacher appreciation week here and I just wanted to let ou know you are appreciated!

CBahn said...

Thank you for your appreciation! :) Teachers need to hear that every now and again. :)

Love to AZ!!

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