Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Teacher in the Summertime

So, what does a teacher do during the summertime, you ask?  Let me share my summer activities.

The first week after school ended, I worked with about a fifty other teachers to create question banks for our district assessment tests.  It was a terrible and tedious and challenging experience, BUT it may be worth it.  I am one of the biggest complainers about these district tests, so at least being able to write questions that could be on the tests helps me be part of the solution.  The hardest part is that I teach 4 classes that are tested, but there were only people signed up to work on 3 of those tests.  SO, it is resulting in me working by myself on two of those tests, which is challenging.  I don't have anyone to bounce ideas off, and I have to go back this coming week to do some more work on one of the tests.  Oh well... I'm earning money for mine and the spouse's summer vacation.

Now... in two weeks I will be spending a week in a class.  It's a wonderful grant program that brings in professors from all over the country to talk about their expertise in American History AND we get the opportunity to work in a variety of achieves to find primary sources to use in our class.  Even more exciting... the grant gives each of us $1000 after we finish the assignments AND an opportunity to win a trip to the National Convention of History Educators' annual conference.  I was one of the winners last year and had the opportunity to present at the conference with my group!  So amazing!  And I made some wonderful teacher friends. 

After that, I will spend free time (with exception to my vacation week) planning curriculum for next year.  I have 7 different classes to prepare, two of which I've never taught before.  I have to meet with fellow teachers to help them plan their curriculum (they're teaching either a World History or a Geography class), while one helps me with curriculum for one of my new classes.  Thankfully, margaritas will be involved to help me relax, since I'm VERY nervous about teaching all those classes and 2 new ones!  I know it'll be okay, but still!!!  One more negative... I don't have the new text for one of my classes.  

To think... it's almost June and I return to school on August 5!! (Kids don't arrive until Aug. 11).  That still doesn't give me much time.  Scary thought...  BUT, not a dull moment in a teacher's life. 


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