Monday, November 1, 2010

A Day of Peace...

I know this is horrible to say, but it's true.  Today was a day of peace.  Usually on Mondays we have a meeting from 8 - 10.  I know... you might as well just say we have a death sentence every Monday.  With the exception from today and one other day, our monday meetings are the most painful, excruciating things.  Let me be honest... I've never had an enema, but I'm pretty sure it's more pleasant than our monday meetings.
BUT, today was different.  My principal called in sick today, so our dean of student, Mrs. Chaz, and our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Wendski, had to lead our meeting.  FANTASTIC!  The meeting was short and sweet... RIGHT to the point!  Amazing!  Any time someone attempted to keep the meeting going longer than necessary, they cut them short.... said to talk to them individually so the rest of us could go free.  It was beautiful!  And then... to actually have time to prepare for the day before kids came was fantastic!
I know... It's not nice to say that today was a great day because my boss was out sick with the flu.  I'm sorry he has the flu, but it was a great day without Big Brother watching over my shoulder.
Only a few more days until Big Brother begins to collect my unit plans that I have to write using a VERY specific template (because we all know that everyone thinks and works exactly alike), so I will relish my day of peace.  Who knows when another one will come around...


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