Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 1 of Summer School!!

Is it nerdy that I love summer school?  Well... it's okay, because we've established I'm a nerd.  And I LOVE my class!!  :)  Today we had some great lectures by Dr. Christopher Doyle.  He's one of the few people I've met that went from teaching college to teaching high school!  Good man!!  Anyway, we had some great discussions.  First we talked about the change in America to being clock centered (meaning people's lives revolve around the clock, as opposed to the seasons, sun, big events, etc.)  It was great!!  Definitely proof that no one loves to discuss history more than history teachers.   If someone were to walk into the room during our lectures, we'd all look like a bunch of sponges just soaking up the knowledge. 

Our second lecture, also by Chris, was more of a discussion.  We were talking about the different between the integration of technology by Northern and Southern states, and whether that caused the Civil War.  We also talked about the idea of "gentlemanly honor" of Southern gentleman.  So fascinating!!  Did you know that Southern gentleman were cared more about someone insulted their honor than being right?  And duals!!  What the heck is up with Southern men and their duals?!  Amazing!!  All in all, a great day at class.  And one of the other best parts of this class?  FREE HISTORY BOOKS!!!  We got 5 new books today... and not lame textbooks, but books I actually want to read!!!  I'm so excited!  Take, for example, the book Honor and Slavery.  It discusses the correlation between Southern men's honor and slavery.  Interestingly enough... the two go hand in hand. 

Well... I suppose that's enough of my nerdiness for one day.  I'll have more knowledge to share as the week goes on...  until then, I am thoroughly enjoying summer!!


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