Thursday, January 20, 2011


People are not fans of change.  They don't adapt well.  As a species, humans reject change.  I have respect for any person that has to tell a group of about big change happening at their workplace.  Like yesterday, for example.  My principal sat us all down to tell us that two of our programs were being cut, and for us, that means that the principal is going to decide 6 people to cut from our school.  There is only one other Social Studies teacher in our building, and she is AMAZING!  She is so wonderful with our students, and so creative.  She has this instant capability of touching our students hearts... of touching people's heart.  And I adore her.  And I'm worried our principal is going to keep her.  I know she deserves the job, and is amazing, but I love my job too.  I love teaching, and I'm not ready to have that taken away yet.  So... I'm not really sure how to handle this potential change.  If only they could have two Social Studies teachers... there is definitely enough work for the both of us!  One teacher teaching all four required Social Studies classes is not simple.  It gets exhausting.  Maybe I can find a way to help keep both of us...

"If we don't change, we don't grow.  If we don't grow, we aren't really living." -Gail Sheehy


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