Friday, January 21, 2011

Hope for life...

I have been thinking lately what to hope for in my life.  What is the ultimate desire for my future?  When I am 90 years old, and rolling around in my wheel chair, what do I hope to have accomplished and be happy about?  Here's what I've discovered:
I want to have lived a wonderful, adventure, and love-filled with my husband... and he'd be in the wheel chair right next to me. 
I want to be surrounded by people I love, and who still love me. 
I want to be filled with joy.
I want to know that, when I look back on my life, I was the best teacher I could, and I touched lives.
I know that it's unfair to imagine miracles, but I hope that students learn something from me, and I can watch them walk across the stage and graduate.  I want to know that I helped them succeed and that I helped make that smile on their faces.
Looking at my life up to this point, there have been imperfect moments, and times when I have made HUGE mistakes, but I've rebounded and been so blessed with the life I have.  I just hope that I remember what I want from life and keep working towards those dreams.  I hope to keep my hope. 


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