Thursday, January 27, 2011

Loss of focus

It's my loss of focus day.  I have been focused on school work all day, trying to get some planning done for tomorrow and sub plans lined up for Monday, but that just doesn't seem to be happening.  I'm not sure how this happened, but I'm starting to realize I work MUCH better at the dining room table with Netflix on in the background than sitting on the couch with Clash of the Titans on in front of me.  There's something about sitting at the table.  Regardless, it's funny to me to think that a simple location change could help me get some work done.  It's also funny that I've had these thoughts for the past hour and have yet to move, even though I realize that the sooner I move, the sooner I sleep tonight.  
Things at work are going surprisingly well, however, considering all the big changes coming.  They're making our school a "true" alternative school, so we will no longer be the district's dumping ground for students they don't feel like dealing with.  Instead, we will actually teach students that WANT to improve their skills and be successful in life!  Amazing concept!  I'm so excited for these changes to take place... as long as I still have a job at the school.  But that's neither here nor there right now.  I really should spend my time focusing on how to prove I'm the best choice for the job.  I suppose that to demonstrate my awesome-ness, I should get up and move to create some phenomenal lesson plans... we'll see how well that works.
One challenge we're having at school is getting fed up with some teachers.  For example, our SPED teacher almost completely relies on our literacy teacher to create lesson plans.  The literacy teacher is getting so irritated that the other teacher is constantly dependent on her to do all the planning, data gathering, testing, etc.  And she's beginning to slowly break down, since she's non-confrontational.  She doesn't want to mention anything to the principal, because she loves the SPED teacher (as a human... NOT as a co-worker) and because she does not like to "get people into trouble".  We (her and I) blame it on her Catholic guilt.  This is only one of a hundred issues we're starting to have.  You can tell that people at their breaking point.  I'm hoping all stays calm until May 20th... can we make it 5 months and stay in 1 piece?  We'll find out...


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