Monday, January 17, 2011


It's true... teachers get overwhelmed, just like students do.  I already have my regular workload of creating lesson plans, grading, and teaching, but I've also decided to finish my masters.  In the past, I've taken classes and it hasn't been an issue, but this one is more intense.  Here's my problem.  I've been chosen to present at the NCHE annual conference in South Carolina, which is AMAZING!  I presented at lasts year's, but this year's presentation, I have to do much more research for our presentation.  We are using local archives and primary sources to argue that the Civil War in the east caused the Civil War between the Natives and the settlers.  This is going to require me to go to local museum archives, state archives, and lots of research.  But, now I'm also taking a summer class, which also wouldn't be so bad, except that it requires reading and writing papers due in 5 months.  It's all of a sudden become a ridiculous amount of reading, working, paper writing, etc.  I told my husband that I'm going to have to have a "study day" once a week (at least) where I spend the day away from home so I could get some work done.  How did I get myself into this predicament?  I think this is also going to require me to pause on my application writing for a new job opportunity.  And when does this overwhelmed stuff end?  Is it possible to push off my school reading until after my presentation?  Can I read 5 books and write 4 papers in three months?  I guess we'll find out...  


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